Why I implemented Vitality
Coaching through Courageous
Self-Care? ™
For many years, I delighted in seeing dedicated and determined clients improve their health and increase their vitality as they followed customized nutrition protocols and improved their food choices. But when stressors of life occurred, I would often witness some of these clients suffer setbacks.
This occurred most often when the stress was overwhelming and they did not know how to properly respond to it. Even after one has initiated habits of eating healthy foods, exercise and taking supplements and/or medications, the restored vitality can be drained or stolen if protective measures and boundaries are not courageously put into place. I am convinced that a key ingredient in self-care and maintenance of vitality is courage.
It takes insight and courage to set healthy boundaries that protect your vitality. It requires courage, for instance, to say NO to an unhealthy, toxic friendship that drains vitality and threatens your emotional well-being. It takes courage to say NO to aspects of a business or job that places unrealistic demands upon you and your health. For some, it requires courage to investigate his or her own mindset in order to determine whether or not it is causing energy levels and the immune system to crash. Self-Care can be simple to understand but not always comfortable or even a priority to implement. As I identified on the Detox Your Life podcast, I was once of the rescuer mindset – a mindset that I can readily see in some of my clients. Rescuers often jump in to care for others so extensively that they leave little time for our own self-care.
Even worse, they don’t see threats to their own health until it is too late. The price to pay can be steep. My most difficult but conquered health lesson gave me the conviction to coach clients about their mindsets and lack of boundaries and provide them a safe platform in which to investigate with me. I help them to understand and employ courageous self-care TM in their individual circumstances.
Many healthcare professionals and experts are now addressing the importance of replenishment, recovery and the need for a healthy soul. It is no longer enough to talk about nutrition or about medicine in isolation as vibrant health can be inhibited or unraveled by a poor response to stress or by chronic and repeated pressure that we may be allowing, unbeknownst to us. Helping clients become aware of this in their own lives is critical. I overcame a second major health crisis by making critical shifts in key mindsets and courageously eliminating exposure to some longstanding toxic relationships and situations.
I regained my vitality by practicing Courageous Self-Care™ . Now, through Vitality Coaching, I support and equip clients to practice courageous self-care TM in order to regain and protect their personal vitality. Call the Office to set up a 30 minute exploratory chat with me at no charge. It’s time to become more comprehensive in your approach to health and vitality (energy + joy + momentum).
How do I Know It’s Right for Me?
- Are you Stressed and near Burn Out?
- You’re ready to experience renewed vitality?
- You’re ready to prioritize your self care.
- You can act now.

“My time with Camille was such a blessing! Wise, insightful and encouraging, she is an amazing person with amazing clarity. In our modern day it is so easy to get swept up in pursuit of a worldly concept of success,
but Camille has an uncanny ability to dissect through unhealthy thinking and replace self-destructive habits with a healthier perspective.
As a very goal driven and outcome oriented person, I found myself overanalyzing and over critical of many of my endeavors. Camille supported me through proper reasoning and helped me to establish strategies to continue this in the future. Whether looking fora self care coach,encouragement or just another perspective, I highly recommend Camille and her program.
Thank you again. I believe your work to be so important! …especially in today’s world.”
I have to say everything’s been wonderful, thanks to your advice and supplements…sleeping well, few to no hot flashes, and no physical symptoms of anxiety. I could feel an obvious “inner calm”. As you advised, I’ve been writing in the morning and holding off on technology for at least a half hour. What a wonderful, positive way to start the day! And if I start to think too much at night, I tell myself, “ you can write about it in the morning”.
All of this seems doable with this great feeling of calm…..
Thank you Camille, for everything.
My Life and Vitality Coaching Sessions were amazing. A real eye opener of facing my fears head on and acknowledging that they were hindering me from being my true self. These sessions led to big steps to healing and becoming the person that I am now. I am free, I know who I am and I am proud of who I am! I’m wiser and confident. I don’t absorb the negative garbage. Camille showed me how to use trials, hurts and the dysfunction of others to make me stronger instead of define me. I am on my way to becoming an author and speaker and I’m so excited. My Vitality Coach, Camille Gallinger, CN, is an awesome human being who has the skills and compassion that will challenge you and bring out the person you are created to be.
The experience of being her client was more than I hoped for. I am now taking flight in life where I can only go higher than I ever thought possible…..
Happy Being Me,