Articles to

Inspire, Educate and help you regain your Vitality!

How Emotional And Mental Stress Can Affect Your Health …

Even When Your Nutrition Is On Target

By Camille Gallinger, CN

I recently listened to a speaker passionately communicate the reality of how all the nutritional work we do for ourselves can be unraveled  by persistent emotional stress and mental pressure.  I continue to be grateful that more Health Professionals are acknowledging and addressing the integrative components of health, well-being and vitality.  Nutrition alone is hardly ever the answer.   As a matter of fact, when physical symptoms show up suddenly, it’s worthy to ask what foundational causes may have contributed to your general sense of poor health or state of dis-ease; especially if you have undergone long-term stress or an unhealthy mindset.

Fatigue and pain continue to be the top complaints that send patients to their physicians.   In addition to metabolic testing assessing of cells, blood, urine, gut health, etc., I hope that one day it will be required  to ask the following questions, or something similar, on intake forms:


  • What mental stressors keep you up or wake you up at night?
  • Do you have friend or family relationships that you’re currently allowing to drain you?
  • How healthy is your opinion of yourself?
  • Do you take care of yourself as well as you care for others?
  • Do you have a fulfilling outlet to express generosity and gratitude?
  • Do you feel well-liked or generally un-liked?
  • Are you regularly distracted by social media sites, internet surfing and/or the habit of multi-tasking?
  • Do you regularly allow yourself vacations/staycations or healthy time away with your loved ones?
  • Do you consistently allow yourself to become over-obligated?
  • Do you have a tendency to be perfectionistic rather than excellent?

These may not be the most scientific of questions or even maybe a bit uncomfortable to be on medical forms but emotional/mindset issues play a huge role in the rate at which we heal or whether or not we heal.  Exploring thoughts such as these make the client more accountable and thoughtful in his or her vitality and well-being strategy.  I even find that leaders or influencers in the financial wellness industry explore questions like these.  Our health and vitality is worth far more.  What other questions could you add?  Send them to me in the comments section.

Wisdom Source: Carefully consider the path of your feet, and all your ways will be established.  Proverbs 4:26 (HCSB)


“Is your body beginning to show the signs of constant struggle after “too much” multi-tasking and “too many” obligations? Maybe you’re waking up several times throughout the night or having difficulty falling asleep because you can’t “turn your brain off”. If you are a woman, overstimulation and the resulting chronic anxiety may be negatively affecting your hormonal balance. If you are a man, you may be noticing muscle atrophy and weight loss happening at an unhealthy rate. Read More…

Wisely Protecting Yourself from the Coronavirus

Articles to Inspire, Educate and help you regain your Vitality!Wisely Protecting Yourself from the Coronavirus   By Camille Gallinger, CN There are two crucial measures you must take to optimize your immune system in order to strengthen it so that it might keep...

Stress Emotions and Dietary Sabotage

Articles to Inspire, Educate and help you regain your Vitality!Stress Emotions and Dietary Sabotage   By Camille Gallinger, CN Do you consistently find yourself frustrated and disgusted because your smooth, disciplined and purpose-driven eating style was...