Articles to

Inspire, Educate and help you regain your Vitality!

Healthy Associations and Your Vitality

By  Camille Gallinger, CN

Are your relationships energizing you or depleting you?

In past posts, I’ve shared perspectives that can help you enjoy more energy and greater vitality. Why start with these instead of food and vitamin choices? I believe it is foundational to establish standards & boundaries that will increase your chances of not only re-gaining your energy but maintaining that energy. In this way you will be able to work and win in life without burning out.As you invest in yourself, it’s important to make sure your lifestyle habits, mindsets and key relationships are supportive of the new vitality you will acquire with your customized nutrition program.

Tom Rath, researcher and author of Are you Fully Charged?, expressed in a podcast that a negative interaction with another human being carries such a heavy load that we need 3, 4 or 5 positives just to get back to neutral. This is important because we have to be aware enough to guard and nurture our hard-won energy and keep it shielded from “energy vampires”.

Positive, supportive relationships will make it easier for you to reach your vitality goals and guard against having your efforts sabotaged. Identify your supporters (proven true friends, mentors who ignite you and/or close family members that really “get you”); spend most of your time with them.

It is safe to communicate your health priorities to them as they will energize you and make you feel hopeful. Identify the saboteurs in your life; they are the ones who discourage or constantly insult your efforts. Even if your intent is to help them, they will drain you. Pay close attention and let them go quickly. Your well-being and vitality depend on it.


Wisdom Source: Better is a small serving of vegetables with love than a fattened calf with hatred.  Proverbs 15:17 NIV

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