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Wisely Protecting Yourself from the Coronavirus
Articles to Inspire, Educate and help you regain your Vitality!Wisely Protecting Yourself from the Coronavirus By Camille Gallinger, CN There are two crucial measures you must take to optimize your immune system in order to strengthen it so that it might keep...

Is Your Mindset Hurting Your Health?
In my Personal Vitality Coaching sessions, I regularly find myself helping a discouraged client affected by rejection from “a frenemy” (friend and enemy at the same time) or from the exit of a toxic person. You may remember that my definition for Vitality is Energy + Joy + Momentum. These are the things that serve as a foundation to keep us healthy.

“Is your body beginning to show the signs of constant struggle after “too much” multi-tasking and “too many” obligations? Maybe you’re waking up several times throughout the night or having difficulty falling asleep because you can’t “turn your brain off”. If you are a woman, overstimulation and the resulting chronic anxiety may be negatively affecting your hormonal balance. If you are a man, you may be noticing muscle atrophy and weight loss happening at an unhealthy rate. Read More…

Stop Putting Your Health and Well Being in the Backseat
Articles to Inspire, Educate and help you regain your Vitality!Stop Putting Your Health and Well Being in the Backseat By Camille Gallinger, CN For the overwhelmed, over-obligated and overbooked When I consider clients who complain of exhaustion, I often hear two...

Healthy Associations and Your Vitality
Articles to Inspire, Educate and help you regain your Vitality!Healthy Associations and Your Vitality By Camille Gallinger, CN Are your relationships energizing you or depleting you? In past posts, I’ve shared perspectives that can help you enjoy more energy and...

Family Health and Vitality
Articles to Inspire, Educate and help you regain your Vitality!Family Health and Vitality By Camille Gallinger, CN LIVES AND FAMILIES ARE SO INTERTWINED AND CONNECTED THAT YOU CANNOT DISCOUNT THEIR INFLUENCE ON OUR WHOLE WELL-BEING.” A VITALITY CLIENT The...

Get Deeper, Healthier Sleep
Articles to Inspire, Educate and help you regain your Vitality!Get Deeper, Healthier Sleep By Camille Gallinger, CN ESPECIALLY IF YOU WANT TO FIGHT STRESS MORE EFFICIENTLY A lack of sleep is more than just annoying (think of being wide awake at 3:00 am and...

Get Deeper, More Restful Sleep
Articles to Inspire, Educate and help you regain your Vitality!Get Deeper, More Restful Sleep By Camille Gallinger, CN Saving Our Sleep There are certain things about sleep deficiency that we know to be true. Without enough sleep, we don’t think as clearly or...

How to Save Your Energy When Stress Hits
Articles to Inspire, Educate and help you regain your Vitality!How to Save Your Energy When Stress Hits By Camille Gallinger, CN You have a calling, a mission, and a purpose. You have goals to achieve and obstacles to overcome. You have problems to solve and an...

Living with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Disease
Articles to Inspire, Educate and help you regain your Vitality!Insist on Living and Working from Energy Rather Than from Exhaustion The Importance of Doing What's Good For The SoulBy Camille Gallinger, CNIt is quite possible to feel low and drained even though your...

The Whole Health Picture
Articles to Inspire, Educate and help you regain your Vitality!The Whole Health Picture By Camille Gallinger, CN This week I had the opportunity to share with a dear friend my reasons for emphasizing lifestyle strategies and mindset in addition to nutrition...

Help for the Professional Helpers
Articles to Inspire, Educate and help you regain your Vitality!Support, Secret Saboteurs And Your Health Goals By Camille Gallinger, CN As a problem-solver of health & wellness issues and/or a family nurturer, it is easy to get caught up in over-giving and neglect...

Support, Secret Saboteurs And Your Health Goals
Articles to Inspire, Educate and help you regain your Vitality!Support, Secret Saboteurs And Your Health Goals By Camille Gallinger, CN There is value in working “in community” to reach your vitality goals ( vitality is defined as “health and stellar momentum”.) It is...

Are You Toxic? Reducing Common Toxins That Drain Your Vitality
Articles to Inspire, Educate and help you regain your Vitality!Are You Toxic? Reducing common toxins that drain your vitality By Camille Gallinger, CN PART 1 (Part 2 here) Two wise lifestyle strategies for self-care that you can apply immediately include reducing...

Are You Toxic? Part 2
“Cleaning up my act” made a big difference in my ability to breathe, in my energy levels and my mental focus.

How Emotional And Mental Stress Can Affect Your Health …Even When Your Nutrition Is On Target
Articles to Inspire, Educate and help you regain your Vitality!How Emotional And Mental Stress Can Affect Your Health … Even When Your Nutrition Is On TargetBy Camille Gallinger, CN I recently listened to a speaker passionately communicate the reality of how all the...

Mindsets that Hinder Health and Well-Being
Articles to Inspire, Educate and help you regain your Vitality!Mindsets that Hinder Health and Well-Being By Camille Gallinger, CN It is refreshing to see more health care experts, writers and speakers emphasize the importance of the mind’s response to stress just as...

Habits That Sabotage And Undermine Nutrition Plans
“The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.”…

Are The Relationships in Your Life Energizing You or Exhausting You?
Articles to Inspire, Educate and help you regain your Vitality!Are The Relationships in Your Life Energizing You or Exhausting You? How Friendships and Associations can make a difference in your health.By Camille Gallinger, CN A friend of mine who is an incredible and...

Office Potlucks (& those doughnuts)| 7 Ideas to Safeguard Your Nutrition Goals
One of the obstacles to maintaining energy (& steadily burning fat) of which clients commonly complain is the office potluck.

5 Ways to Safeguard Your Health During the Holidays
Articles to Inspire, Educate and help you regain your Vitality!Stress Emotions and Dietary Sabotage By Camille Gallinger, CN The holidays! It’s the time of the year that many clients communicate frustration and fear of nutrition setbacks. Understandably they...

Stress Emotions and Dietary Sabotage
Articles to Inspire, Educate and help you regain your Vitality!Stress Emotions and Dietary Sabotage By Camille Gallinger, CN Do you consistently find yourself frustrated and disgusted because your smooth, disciplined and purpose-driven eating style was...

Overwhelmed? Stressed OUT? STRUGGLING on the job? HERE’S HELP!
Articles to Inspire, Educate and help you regain your Vitality!Overwhelmed? Stressed OUT? STRUGGLING on the job? HERE’S HELP! By Camille Gallinger, CN Anxiety is rising. Frustrations are high and tears are flowing. “Is your body beginning to show the signs of...

Regain Personal Vitality Through Managing Relational Stress: “YOU GET WHAT YOU TOLERATE”
Articles to Inspire, Educate and help you regain your Vitality!Regain personal vitality through managing relational stress "You Get What You Tolerate" PRIORITIZING your wellness and personal vitality takes courage. One of the best things I ever did to protect...